The Story

The Story

The name "Dwelling in God" was given to me by God. It was during a time where I knew in order to survive in this life, I have to dwell in Jesus. To dwell in Jesus is to live "in" "for" and "with" Him. To do this, you have to be married to His Word. It is an eternal marriage — once you are in Him, there is no way you can get out and there is no way anyone can take you out.





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Our Lord and Savior say in John 5 vs 4 – 5 that He has His own sheep, and they follow Him for they know His voice and a stranger voice they will not follow. Brothers and Sisters beware of the voices that you listen to! Beware of the preachers, prophets, and/or teachers that you listen to! For scripture says that many false prophets are gone into the world (1 John 4:1). These false prophets/preachers come just to steal, kill and destroy – For they are the hand of the devil.

Just as how people of God are used by God, the devil has his own minions as well. John chapter 5 vs 27 says that the Lord’s sheep know His voice and He knows them and they will follow Him. Therefore, today, our Lord has his own “set apart” people who hear His voice and follow Him. While the other set follows doctrines of the devil, which comes under the form of deception. Beware of who you claim that you are following! Saints of God, test the spirit to see if they are of God – but before you test another man’s spirit, please test your own spirit. These such doctrines are lead by flesh and not the spirit of God. Beware of doctrines of the devil! Paul says, oh foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you and cause you to believe a lie, that ye should not obey the truth (Galatians 3). These lies are of the devil. Lies entail obeying all or some of God’s word, where we have Christians having feast offerings and in confusion about which day is the sabbath. Confusion is of the devil (1 Corinthians 14 vs 33)!

My Sheep Hear my Voice

My Sheep Hear my Voice

Concerning the law, ye who keep the law are fallen from grace (Galatians 5 vs 4), for Christ Jesus of Nazareth came to offer a better way unto repentance/righteousness, but because of the veil that is over your hearts, ye cannot see the Truth of the scriptures. Beware! Beware of worshiping of pastors! Beware of love of self! Be not high-minded but fear and condescend to men of low estate (Romans 12 vs 16). Beware, brothers and Sisters, for the days are evil. Follow his voice and His voice only. Anything that does not align with the bible is not of God. Pray and ask God to remove the veil from your hearts so that understanding of the scriptures can be vivid and fear God (for that is wisdom) and forsake evil (for that is understanding). Repent! Repent daily! Repent for your selves and for your brothers and sisters. Jesus Christ of Nazareth loves you all and so do I.

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Every Month



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